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We here at Embrace Church know that it is the people that makes our church what it is today, a True Blessing to others. We thank you for being an active and faithful member of our church community. By giving to our church you’re showing that our church has a meaningful place in your heart. You are in our hearts here at Embrace as well.

Donating to the church allows us to preach the Gospel, make disciples, and support others in our community who need help. Embrace Church is able to aid others in the form of our food bank, missions, etc. We’re answering the cry of the needy, and it’s all thanks to contributors like you.

We appreciate your ongoing support and want to let you know we’re here for you. If there’s ever anything we can do for you and your family, don’t hesitate to reach out. You are a valued member of our church family. And you’re financial support is making a difference.

Donations can be made in the following ways:

Kingdom Investment Boxes: These are boxes that are here at Embrace Church in the welcome area. You can ask any member of our staff and they’ll be glad to help you find them and aid you in any other information that you may have about the church.

IOS: Download

Android: Download

Cash App: If you have the cash app (, you can donate to our church by using the tag, $EmbraceChurch.

By Mail: If you prefer to send money by mail, checks can be made out to Embrace Church and sent to P.O. Box 112 Forest, MS 39074.

Online Giving: Payments can also be made online at the website above.


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