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Embrace Values a Filter for Ministry


At Embrace, we have decided to determine all activities by a process of examining VALUE. What does that mean? In the beginning stages of Embrace, a core group of members established FIVE CORE VALUES that we believe is Gospel-centered and Christ honoring and will keep up focused on the vision of “Loving, Lifting, and Helping the Forgotten”. What are these five core values and how do they set the standard of activities at Embrace?


HEALTHY FAMILIES: It is Embrace’s desire to see the ministries offered strengthen the Individual family. Only healthy marriages, parents and children can make a healthy church. Embrace wants to invest its resources into families through providing ample time for family activities, counseling opportunities, and environments for families to worship, learn, and serve TOGETHER.


QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS: Spending time together with others at Embrace will prove to be a great joy and a person benefit to your walk with Jesus. Proverbs 27:17 says we are to help others around us grow for the benefit of one another. Embrace provides opportunities to connect with others for you and your family through gatherings in LifeGroups, worship settings, and many other times.


PERSONAL INTEGRITY: It all starts with you. We at Embrace expect each member to live a lifestyle of personal integrity. What does that mean? We expect honesty in conversation, business, and everyday life among all members. Ephesians 4:23-32 reminds us to live the integrity of the new life we have in Jesus.


PURPOSED UNITY: We declare that unity is of extreme importance and value to Embrace because a world who is far from God is watching us. We do more together than divided (Matthew 12:25, John 17:20-26). To have unity means that we will forgive any offense, cover all sin with love, and pursue one another for the sake of the Gospel.


SPIRITUAL AMBITION: We encourage membership to be spiritually innovative and creative for the Kingdom.

All five of these core values help us maintain a personal accountability in ministry resources to help you be provided with both an opportunity to grow in your relationship with Jesus and become a part of seeing others grow in Jesus through your active membership.










































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