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Embrace, the Vision

Embrace is a North American Mission Board (NAMB) Church plant with the vision to reach Forest and the surrounding areas with the unchanging and unchangeable message of God through Jesus and His sacrifice. God put in the hearts of a small group of Christians who began meeting together in the earlier months of 2014 to “Love, Life, and Help the Forgotten” of our area and the world. What does this vision entail?

The vision to “Love” those whom God places in our path who need to experience the love of Christ. Jesus said, “The world will know that you are My disciples because you have love for one another”.

The vision to “Lift” those whom God gives us to a place to become all who God wishes for them to be. We are “His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works” according to Ephesians 2:10. With this, we know that God has good plans for us, Jeremiah 29:11.

The vision to “Help” those who are in need is our duty as the New Testament Church. In Deuteronomy 15:8,11; Galatians 6:10, and Matthew 25:40, 45; we are taught to never give up, but always minister to those who have need.

The vision to “Love, Life, and Help the FORGOTTEN” is to reach out to those who society has written off as not worth the effort or time. Again, according to Luke 14, where Embrace Church gets its calling and foundation in its vision, we see where Jesus heals, saves, and invests in those whom the world rejects.

Embrace Church has the intentions and goal to reach those who are financially poor, under-educated, of a multi-racial family and those who are trapped in addictions with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The purpose of Embrace is very simple and specific. But it has also proven over time to be very powerful and effective.


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