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What happens at Embrace?

Embrace appreciates simplicity. Due to this fact, our activities are very simple. Basically, Embrace has these patterned activities:

WORSHIP: We have normal gatherings on Sunday mornings at 10:00am and Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm.

GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES: Lifegroups are seasonal: Winter (January-March), Spring (April-June), and Fall (August-October). New Creations is a Monday night gathering in which one can get signatures for Drug Court, MDOC, after cares, AA, or/and NA. It is a time of Bible Study and encouragement. Embrace has a Discipleship process for all age groups. We also have a mentoring process called Thrive that is available for all members.

MISSIONS: Embrace highly encourages members to be active in missions to the point to where Embrace sponsors our members on missions. How does someone tap into the mission’s sponsorship? It is required that 10% of the estimated total cost of the mission trip be paid upfront at a date set by the mission team leader, which is non-refundable. The member must be actively serving on a ministry team in order to receive the sponsorship. Members are also encouraged to participate in local missions throughout the year.

SERVE: Serving at Embrace is very easy! At Embrace we have we call our “First Step” opportunities which include Door Greeter, Welcome Counter, Refreshment Table, Building Prep, Production Center, Baptism Prep, and Media. Then we have “Second Step” opportunities which include Kid’s Ministry, Frontline Prayer Team, Jail Ministry, Recovery Ministry, Watchmen, Kingdom First, Pastor/Ministry Training. Embrace welcomes and encourages all members to take part in some active role of service.

DAILY MINISTRY: Embrace has office hours of 9am-12pm Mondays through Thursday’s unless otherwise announced. It is during these hours that we offer any “benevolence” (ministry to those who may have needs: groceries, utilities, recovery interviewers, etc). We serve our community through the Food Pantry on Wednesdays from 10-12pm.


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