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Embrace, the Beginning

God began to form Embrace from a vision He placed on the hearts of a small group of followers in Forest, MS. From February 2014 to August 2014, this gathering of core members decided to explore the town of Forest with Gospel opportunities. On August 6, 2014, this group had their first public gathering in Gaddis Park of Forest. There was much excitement and encouragement at the meeting as this group determined to be a “Gospel-Centered, Commissioned believers”. On March 22, 2015, Embrace Church launched with close to 200 in attendance. At that gathering there were at least two who trusted Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Since that day until now, Embrace has had many meeting locations but is daily reminded that “we are the church”, “we are a movement of God”, “we will carry this Good News to all the world, starting in Forest”.


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