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Embrace Ministry Opportunities

Door Greeters: Directs and assists visitors to make sure guests have a great experience before, during, and after the service. This position requires a servants heart, outgoing personality, and a friendly face.

Welcome Counter: Informing visitors about Embrace, who we are, our vision, our recovery ministries, and passing out welcome cards to those who are coming into the worship center. This position requires a person to know what is going on ministry wise with Embrace.

Refreshment Table: Simple, show up at our building early before services start and make the coffee and make sure that there is supplies and refreshments ready to be devoured. This position requires a person who is dependable, on time, and neat.

Building Prep: This is a detailed orientated task. Someone who can get to the building early before service starts to make sure the floors are clean, the trash is taken out, chairs are in order. This takes a dependable person who has an eye for details.

Production Center: This person will work on getting the sound, lights, and projection prepared and ran for Sunday morning services. This position requires a person to be at the building early on to work out sound checks.

Baptism Prep: This person will prepare the baptistry for an upcoming baptisms.


Kid’s Ministry: These people needs to be very trustworthy and love kids. These positions require people who have hearts to sacrifice time so that others can be ministered to during the preaching services.

Frontline Prayer Team:

Jail Ministry: It is when a small group of people from Embrace Church go into the local jails and spread the Gospel.

Recovery Ministry: The Peace House is a local 6 month, faith based, women’s recovery center. Our vision is to provide ‘a safe haven from the struggle’ of addiction to women as they seek sobriety and salvation. Our goal is to help women find freedom with Biblical teaching and the chain breaking power of Jesus!

Watchmen: These people enjoy being helpful to others. These people are responsible for remaining in the lobby during our services and guiding anyone that comes in to the sanctuary, bathroom, or any other information that they may need. They also remain outside of the sanctuary for safety.

Kingdom First: This is a group of talented musicians who make up the band for Embrace Church.

Pastor/Ministry Training:


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