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Embrace, Top 10

At Embrace, we hold the whole BIBLE as our “Statement of Faith”. But to help others with more specific matters, we have selected our “Top 10” most treasured beliefs.

We believe that the BIBLE is the written word of God, preserved for all generations. The BIBLE is the infallible, inspired, Eternal, and inerrant word of God. It is the Believers final Authority and is to be spiritually understood and passionately applied daily.

We believe that God is Father, Son, and Spirit: three in one. The Father is eternal, self-existent, holy, just, and sovereign. The Son is God in flesh, given as the gift of Salvation to all mankind, perfect in all His ways. His name is Jesus who literally died for our sins, was buried, and literally raised from the dead on the third day. The Spirit is the current manifestation of God’s presence on the earth now. The Spirits purpose is to convict us of sin, guide us into all truth, and indwells in those who are born again.

We believe that the church is comprised of all born again persons in the world and in heaven. The local church is made up of those who join themselves to a group of BIBLE believing Christians who love and serve Jesus as they obey the BIBLE.

We believe that spreading the Gospel is the outreach responsibilities of the members of the Church and is to be both local and abroad in an effort to see those who are lost in sin found in Christ.

We believe that Discipleship is the in reach of the Church and is created to help Christians grow in their faith while holding one another accountable to the principles taught in God’s Word.

We believe that Salvation is received through grace offered by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross in faith expressed through personal repentance.

We believe that Missions are an extension of the Church to reach the nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is the passion of every believer.

We believe that Jesus will return in His glorified state as the Father wills.

We believe that the Gospel is the literal, physical death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

We believe that the Family is the original plan of God for a thriving society. A family is defined by the BIBLE as one man married to one woman with the intentions to live together after God’s covenant relation for a lifetime. A family may be comprised of children who are to be taught God’s Word daily.


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