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New Creations

New Creations


6:00 PM - 7:30 PM


Embrace Church
1030 Anderson Street, Forest, MS, 39074, Christianity

Event Type

New Creations is a recovery program for addicts. It does not matter what the addiction is. It could be an addiction of alcohol, drugs, etc. People involved in this mission are there for those who may feel like they can’t escape their addiction. With the help of good people, they eventually learn that by accepting God as their Lord and Savior, He will help them to overcome their addiction. New Creations meets on Monday Nights at Embrace Church at 6pm. People can get signatures for Drug Court, MDOC, after cares, AA. etc. Anyone who is struggling with addiction is more than welcome to come.

I've been coming to Embrace since late July and have absolutely loved it! I love God, family, friends, and my baby, Buddy. Yea, that's my dog! 🙂 I am a MSU alumni. Go Dawgs! I've recently started blogging on my own site as well as creating this official site for Embrace Church which has been awesome!

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