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Plan Your Visit to Embrace

What is the worship service like?

Our worship service usually starts off with a welcoming message from Associate Pastor Greg or Elder John and then a prayer. Our praise team plays through a few songs that allows people to worship God in a very meaningful way. Pastor Andy or Associate Pastor Greg then preaches the sermon for that service. Sometimes a guest speaker may preach. Then there’s an invitation which ends in prayer. Announcements are then made.

What do I wear?

You are not expected to dress a certain way here. Most people will simply dress casual. If you’re someone who likes to dress up, that is okay too.

Where should I park?

We have a gravel parking lot right next to our church as well as a few spaces right in front of our church next to the road. Some find it easier to park across the street in front of the school’s football stadium.

Where do I go when I arrive?

Our main entrance is right in the opening through double glassed doors. Once inside, our sanctuary is just to the right as you come inside. If you would like coffee, our fellowship hall is to the left around the corner.

Do you have something for kids?

We have our kid’s ministry that goes on during our morning worship service. Check out our Kid’s Ministry section here.


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