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Be Like Christ

When a person accepts Jesus as his/her Lord and Savior, it is natural for him/her to behave differently. Christians know and understand that they are a new person in Christ. They have a new feeling about themselves because they now have Jesus in their hearts. While new Christians are glad of their decision to follow Christ and know that they must think and act in ways that Jesus would, others may or may not understand the change. For me, I had people to act both ways. I’ve had some to be proud of me for giving my life to Jesus while others act differently toward me. It is important that as a Christian, you must understand both types of people. For those, that support you, thank them. For those that don’t, accept that they simply do not see things as you do. As a Christian especially a new Christian, it is natural to want to talk about God a lot. It is great to talk about God, however, it is also important to not push too hard. It is important to share God’s word but there is a right way to go about it. The way I do is is like, “Jesus is so awesome. Would you like to hear about him?”. If a person wants to listen, then great, if not, that’s okay. Personally, I wish that I could save everyone but I know that I can’t. I would if I could though.

So how should a Christian act? Sure, I could say you should do this and not do this. However, that could be seen as just being my opinion. Others who may disagree may see that as being judgemental if you don’t agree with what they are doing or not doing. I’d like to think that I haven’t been judgemental. I try not to be. I apologize to anyone who I have ever talked to and came off that way to. There is one opinion that does matter though and that is God’s. I do believe that is important that Christians ALWAYS try to be Christ like. How does one be Christ like? You do everything that you can to think and act in ways that Jesus would. That isn’t meant to be figuratively but literally. As I have said in one of my earlier posts, I truly believe that Christians should literally hold every thought captive. I try myself to literally think, “Is this a thought that Jesus would have?” and “Is this something that Jesus would do?”. I do admit that sometimes I fail. Since I’ve been a Christian, I apologize to God a lot. I can think something, even something so small, yet I still know that I should not have thought it and I’ll be like, “God I’m sorry.” I’ve noticed myself that I’ve gotten to the point of using the whole, “I’m only human” thing as an excuse. While that is true to an extant, it still shouldn’t be used as an excuse.

I know myself, I am constantly trying to better myself more and more each day literally. I start off each day with a prayer asking God to be here with me though I know He always is. I always ask Him to help me in being the person that He wants me to be. At the end of the day, I hold myself accountable and ask myself, “Did I say or do anything today that God would not approve of?”. There are many days where that answer is yes when it shouldn’t be. Once in awhile, I’ll have a day where I’m like, “NO! I know God would be so proud of me”. God doesn’t need/want us to be perfect. No one is. He just wants us to try to better ourselves each day and be the best version of ourselves. He loves us no matter what even when we may not love ourselves for failing Him. It really is all about literally trying to be like Christ and live like He would if He was here. I imagine a lot of the time myself having a great day knowing I lived a day in the way that He would and Him giving me a high five or a pat on my back or even hugging me telling me that He is so proud of me. I love you God!!

I've been coming to Embrace since late July and have absolutely loved it! I love God, family, friends, and my baby, Buddy. Yea, that's my dog! 🙂 I am a MSU alumni. Go Dawgs! I've recently started blogging on my own site as well as creating this official site for Embrace Church which has been awesome!

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