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Conviction of Sin

It is common to hear a new Christian talk about themselves being convicted of sin. What is a conviction of sin? Most people would think that it is simply a matter of having a guilty conscious from all the bad things that he/she has done in their lives. I know [...]

Be Yourself

I’ve struggled many times on being myself 100%. I’ve realized that for most of my life I’ve only been a fraction of the person that God created me to be. Many people who know me will say…”Joe you are You! You’re the dorkiest person alive but you’re also the sweetest! [...]

Be Like Christ

When a person accepts Jesus as his/her Lord and Savior, it is natural for him/her to behave differently. Christians know and understand that they are a new person in Christ. They have a new feeling about themselves because they now have Jesus in their hearts. While new Christians are glad [...]


So in 2016, my life changed forever. I literally felt like my world was turned upside down. My dad passed away from a heart attack. It was very sudden so it shocked mom and me and of course hurt us a great deal. We didn’t handle it very well in [...]

Must See Videos…..Come to Christ to experience an Amazing Life Now and Forever

The following are videos from the Go Tell Crusade that was held back in October in which many people gave their lives to Jesus! Praise God!! [...]


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