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Conviction of Sin

It is common to hear a new Christian talk about themselves being convicted of sin. What is a conviction of sin? Most people would think that it is simply a matter of having a guilty conscious from all the bad things that he/she has done in their lives. I know [...]

Be Yourself

I’ve struggled many times on being myself 100%. I’ve realized that for most of my life I’ve only been a fraction of the person that God created me to be. Many people who know me will say…”Joe you are You! You’re the dorkiest person alive but you’re also the sweetest! [...]

Be Like Christ

When a person accepts Jesus as his/her Lord and Savior, it is natural for him/her to behave differently. Christians know and understand that they are a new person in Christ. They have a new feeling about themselves because they now have Jesus in their hearts. While new Christians are glad [...]


So in 2016, my life changed forever. I literally felt like my world was turned upside down. My dad passed away from a heart attack. It was very sudden so it shocked mom and me and of course hurt us a great deal. We didn’t handle it very well in [...]


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