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Fasting from Social Media or Using it to Spread God’s Love

We live in a time that we spend so much time on Social Media spreading gossip, liking memes, posting pics/videos, sharing posts, etc. that we forget that the most important thing that we can share is God’s word!

The internet is a powerful tool. It can spread information so fast and to so many people. A lot of the time, it’s bad and immoral information that is spread so quickly. Imagine if God’s word would spread like wildfire.

I’d like to encourage all Christians to do everything that they can to spread God’s love on Social Media. Instead, of sharing a post about what celebrity that you look like, how about sharing a quote about how much God loves everyone.

For anyone who believes in fasting, I’d like to encourage you to take a break from Social Media. Instead, you could read your Bible, watch some kind of ministry on TV, listen to your favorite Christian music, visit your favorite Christian websites.

Everyone is welcomed here at For those that like to have discussions with others, our Forum is a good place to do just that. Everyone has a story to tell. You never know how Sharing Your Testimony could help another person. For those that love to Go to Events, we would love to learn about upcoming events which we can share information about. Just like you can make posts on Facebook, Posts Can Be Made here as well. As most sites do, we do have Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. We appreciate every subscriber!

If you have any questions, you can visit our FAQS page, contact our website administrator, or contact the church.

I've been coming to Embrace since late July and have absolutely loved it! I love God, family, friends, and my baby, Buddy. Yea, that's my dog! 🙂 I am a MSU alumni. Go Dawgs! I've recently started blogging on my own site as well as creating this official site for Embrace Church which has been awesome!

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