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Witnessing to Nonbelievers

Since I am still a bit new to being a Christian, I am still on that….”Yes I am now saved and set free by the Grace of God” high! That is how it is meant to be though and not just as a new Christian. Everyday of our lives, we should be that excited knowing that someday we will get to meet God and live with him in all of his glory for an eternity.

Personally for me, I am so excited that I want to spread God’s word and his love. That’s one of the many reasons why I started this blog to begin with. I want others to experience the happiness that I have. For that reason, I am doing my best to talk to others about God. I have to be careful though because now as a Christian, my whole believe is that as a Christian I should literally live my life in the same way that Jesus would and because of that, I now can see that I wasn’t before I accepted Him into my heart and I see things that others are doing too that Jesus wouldn’t. I’ll be the first to admit that I can come off as judgemental though that isn’t my intent. I’ll be the first to admit that I can sometimes expect people to just understand me but at the same time, I should also be understanding to the other person. It’s important to not and try to force your ideas onto another person but instead to just politely express your ideas and let the other person do the same. If you and the other person disagree, simple just talk about it. Now, if that person seems open to listening to you talk about God then that is great.

So how do you start a conversation about God with a nonbeliever? Personally, I am amazed every day of my life when I look outside and see the world. I see the beautiful sky, the trees, the animals, etc and think to myself, “How could all of this just be an accident that happened?….There’s No Way!! God has to be real!”. Discussing this with someone is a good place to start. Too, talking about God should not be some topic that is too serious or a topic that is considered to only be appropriate in certain places or at certain times. Being lost and not knowing God is what’s serious. That is why it is so important that a person needs to get to know Him and be saved so that he/she will not go to hell. God doesn’t want that for any of us. Talking about God should be just as simple as other topics that we discuss when we are trying to get to know someone.

Sticking with the beautiful world concept, if the person that you are witnessing to seems open to the idea, you could ask them other questions. The whole idea is to get them interested and hopefully they will get curious. It’s all about planting that one seed. You can never know how that one action could affect a person’s life. I would personally talk with the person about the wonderful things that comes with accepting God into your heart. I would tell them my personal story about how I was at a very low point in my life but God was there for me and He brought me through it. There really is a peace that you find when you give your life to God and you allow him to guide you down the path that he has set out before you. On the flip side, you can’t talk about peace and living an amazing life in Heaven for eternity without talking about Hell. Heaven and Hell are like two sides of the same coin. You can’t have one without the other. Many people don’t see hell as a popular subject, however, it has to be done. Sometimes people have to be scared into doing the right thing. It can be scary but the alternative is worse if you end up there. No one would really want to go to hell and be tortured for an eternity. It is important to talk to others about both heaven and hell and the blessings of heaven and the consequences of hell.

Many people find it too hard or too uncomfortable witnessing to others about God. I myself know that I am quite guilty of it especially considering how shy I am. What we should do though is ask God to help us. “God, I ask that you guide and allow me to bring the right words to this person. They are not my words but they are your words” is a prayer that I say quite often. I’m the type of a person that has always wanted to help others and be there for them. Now, that I am a Christian, I feel that way even more strongly. I find it extremely hard to see those that I care about on a path that is moving them away from God but I’ve realized that I have to be careful and not judge them but simply try to witness to them but in a way that is right and not too forward. Sometimes, all I can do is pray for them. I can’t save them myself. That is something that they must do all their own. If I could, I would though. I’d save everyone but only Jesus can do that and He did when He died on the cross for us. That speaks volume to me.

Christians, let us all pray to God that we can witness to others and spread Your word and love. God, we pray that you will be with us. Many will judge, prosecute, ridicule,etc us but we must stand up for You, God because You did when you sent your only son to die for us.

God Bless Everyone!!

I've been coming to Embrace since late July and have absolutely loved it! I love God, family, friends, and my baby, Buddy. Yea, that's my dog! 🙂 I am a MSU alumni. Go Dawgs! I've recently started blogging on my own site as well as creating this official site for Embrace Church which has been awesome!

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